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Moot Court Study Club and Training
On October 9th-10th, 2021, Moot Court Study Club and Training was carried out. Moot Court Study Club and Training was held online via...
Pengenalan dan Penerimaan Partisipan Anggota Baru (P3AB)
The Pengenalan dan Penerimaan Partisipan Anggota Baru (P3AB) ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya lasted for one day online. This...
PR Coaching Class #1
PR Coaching Class act as a forum for sharing discussions regarding to what will be the main duties and functions of the Public Relations...
ALSA Social Project Vol #1
The ALSA Social Project in Volume #1 will focus on environmental and sanitation issues what happened in the village of Arisan Gading,...
ALSA Berbinar #1
ALSA Berbinar (Bright and Actual Academic Webinar) is a seminar session that is held twice in management and this activity is aimed at...
Pra-Musyawarah Nasional and ALSA Leadership Training XXVIII
Pra-Musyawarah Nasional and ALSA Leadership Training (PALT) XXVIII ALSA National Chapter Indonesia is one of the annual agenda of ALSA...
English in Your Area #1
ALSA English in Your Area is work program where you can talk and mingle with other members freely using english. And the main attraction...
Jajanan Khas ALSA (JAKSA) #1
The Jajanan Khas ALSA (JAKSA) is an activity that provides snacks, both heavy food, snacks, and drinks that are sold to the wider...
ALSA Introduction
ALSA Introduction is an event held by Human Resources Development Division. This event was held as a form of ALSA responsiveness Local...
ALSA Training 101 #1
The ALSA Training 101 activity is a platform for ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya members to improve the skills set of ALSA Local...
Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1
Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1 ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya were held at the beginning of the management period of the ALSA...
ALSA in PKKMB Universitas Sriwijaya 2021 is one of the work programs of the Human Resources Development Division that aims to introduce...
Project Officer Class #1
Project Officer Class in its implementation was held via zoom meeting by explaining what a Project Officer is, what is a work program and...
DnA Hearing
This Demisioner and Alumnus Hearing (DnA Hearing) is an event from the Demisioner and Alumnus Division which has an agenda of introducing...
ALSA Sharing and Gathering
ALSA Sharing and Gathering in its implementation are carried out through Zoom Meetings starting with presentations from each manager,...
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