ALSA Legal Visit 2023 was carried out on July 2nd - 6th, 2023
The ALSA Legal Visit was held with one of the objectives of introducing ALSA LC Unsri to various agencies, the purpose of holding the ALSA Legal Visit was to increase the name of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya at the national level. The ALSA Legal Visit is one of the ALSA LC Unsri's Signature Programs External Affairs, on this occasion the ALSA Legal Visit with the theme "Exclusive Creatures, Priceless Marvelous" which will discuss intellectual property rights specifically regarding copyright and loyalty, this activity is a visiting activity with the target of visiting the Director General of Intellectual Property of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Nadaku Musik, and SSEK Lawfirm. Which will end with a city tour in Bandung.