Closing: ALSA Legal Opinion Competition 2023 was carried out on April 8th, 2023.
The ALSA Legal Opinion Competition is a work program under the Academic and Legal Development Division, ALSA LC Unsri. The ALSA Legal Opinion Competition (ALOC) was held with 2 (two) agendas, namely the National Seminar and the Legal Opinion Competition. In the seminar session, there will be several speakers who are intended to discuss a legal issue based on a theme raised from the ALSA Legal Opinion Competition and the seminar session is hoped that it will be able to broaden the participants' knowledge in terms of writing legal opinions later. The Legal Opinion Competition is held after the end of the seminar where it starts from the time the position case is sent to the participants, then the participants are given 2 to 3 weeks to operate on it, and after that, an assessment will be carried out by a jury who has a comprehensive understanding of writing legal opinions and the theme of this activity itself. The five best legal opinions in this competition will be given the opportunity to make presentations before the jury, then the three best legal opinions will be selected as winners in this competition and announced at the end of the event and will be given money as a form of appreciation for their abilities.