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Organizational Talk #1

On November 2rd, 2021, Organizational Talk #1 is done through zoom meetings by explaining this activity in the form of sharing sessions with other student organizations. By holding this activity, it is hoped that it will not only be able to find cultural comparisons between the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya and other organizations but the event will also then be followed by a questioning session. And continued with a group photo. and this event aims to educate members of the Public Relations Division and members of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya in terms of organization, to create relationships that are supportive, productive, and profitable for the organization invited, and the establishment of sharing with third parties to seek comparisons and third party cultural differences. Those participating in this event are members of the class 2019, 2020, and 2021. This event is an event that discusses differences in culture, vision, and mission as well as the characteristics of other organizations.

The activity goal from Organizational Talk is:

  1. Educate members of the Public Relations division and members of ALSA Local Chapter Sriwijaya University in terms of organization:

  2. Creating relationships that are supportive, productive, and profitable for the organization invited; and

  3. The establishment of sharing with third parties to seek comparisons and third party cultural differences.


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