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Organizing Leadership and Management of ALSA (OLMA) 2020

Organizing Leadership Management of ALSA (OLMA) ALSA LC Unsri is an annual work program in order to accept new members for ALSA LC Unsri. The implementation of the 2020 OLMA also aims to form a commitment and leadership for the new ALSA LC Unsri member candidates which are compiled with a material agenda and teamwork and carried out for two days. However, in the current state of COVID-19, the OLMA agenda is different from the previous year and must be implemented online. The committee in this case plans activities that are plan to the essence of OLMA, namely organizational training, training and enhancement of leadership skills as well as how to build a management system for the individual members. The implementation of the 2020 OLMA itself took three days with eight materials given by seven different speakers. The material is delivered online using the Zoom Meeting application. Thus, the 2020 OLMA activities rigorously include:

First Day: Sunday, November 1st, 2020

On the first day of activities, the event continued with the opening of the Formal Master of Ceremony (MC). After all the welcoming guests were present, the event began with the opening of the MC Formal followed by reading the Guideline for the implementation of OLMA 2020, the event continued with singing Indonesia Raya and ALSA Anthem songs.

Next, we listened to the remarks from the Project Officer OLMA 2020 ALSA LC Unsri, M. Reza Fathurrahman. Followed by remarks from the Director of ALSA LC Unsri, Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman. Next, we heard remarks from the Representatives of ALSA International. Who are the President of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, Khalifah Al Kays Yusuf, and the President of ALSA International Board, who in this case was represented by the Vice President of Training Exchange and Development, Regina Laila Francienne. The event was continued by hearing remarks attached to the video from the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, namely Drs. H. Murzal Zaidan, S.H., M.Hum. which also opened the 2020 OLMA. After the opening remarks, the event continued with a prayer reading led by Yassin Al Ghiffari and continued with the reading of the 2020 OLMA Rules read by the OLMA 2020 Coordinator of Security.

The event was immediately followed by the delivery of Organizational Talk material which was filled by the International Board, Regina Laila Francienne as Vice President of Training Exchange and Development and Giovanna Felicia Sugiarto as Director of Moot court Competition. After the presentation of the material continued with a Question and Answer session, in the Question and Answer session the participants were very enthusiastic and had high curiosity regarding the organization of ALSA.

The event was continued with rest, prayer, and lunch for approximately 60 minutes and continued with the agenda of presenting the Leadership material given by Khalifah Al Kays Yusuf as President of ALSA Indonesia 2020/2021. On this agenda, the participants were still enthusiastic about participating in the presentation of the material and were also active in Q&A session.

After the presentation of the material, the event continued with the Ice Breaking agenda which was guided by Non-Formal MC, namely Humairah Qaolan Syaqiila and Muhammad Raudy. This agenda contains Games / Quiz played through the Quiz platform, and questions from these games are related to ALSA Knowledge and the material presented by the two speakers on the first day. Participants' understanding of the material can be seen from the implementation of this quiz because many participants get high points in one experiment.

After the quiz, the event continued with the presentation of material on Legal Opinion from the Vice Director of Academic Activities, namely M. Luthfan Arsyi Mawarid. This presentation is useful for introducing new participants to a legal product in the form of writing. The output that you want to get is that the 2020 OLMA participants will be assigned to make a Legal Opinion with a predetermined theme. After sharing the theme of the Legal Opinion.

The event continued with the delivery of impressions and messages related to the implementation of OLMA 2020 to which several participants, on this agenda many participants have started to dare to speak and express their opinions regarding the implementation of OLMA 2020 on the first day.

Second Day: Saturday, November 7th, 2020

On the second day, Then participants had started entering the meeting room from 09.00-09.30 WIB and the event was continued with an opening regarding the explanation of the next agenda from the Formal MC.

So that the event continued with the provision of Problem Solving material delivered by the Director of ALSA LC Unsri, Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman for 75 minutes. In addition to the presentation of the material, participants were also allowed to discuss and solve a problem and they gave their point of view as a leader in solving the problem.

This discussion was carried out by creating a breakout room for participants and this discussion was guided by two moderators from the Local Board. After the discussion, the event was continued with the presentation of the results of the discussion held in the main room.

After this agenda, the event continued with the Ice Breaking agenda which was guided by the Non-formal MC in the form of playing an Identity video. After playing this video so that the participants were more interactive and enthusiastic, the Non-formal MC asked several participants about the meaning of the video, the participants answered with a good understanding and could convey the meaning of the video with good language speech. Then, the committee instructed participants to rest, pray, and lunch for 60 minutes.

The event was continued with the agenda of Focus Group Discussions (FGD), each group was divided into five chambers in one chamber, there were two groups divided into pro and contra groups. Furthermore, all participants are entered into each breakout room, in one breakout room led by a moderator of the academic officers of the Local Board of ALSA LC Unsri. After conducting the FGD for 50 minutes, the event continued with the Ice Breaking agenda by watching an eye exercise video so that the participants could relax more in following the next agenda.

The event was continued with the provision of materials and a workshop on Procedures for Session (TCB) which was presented by Robby Ikhwan Sandy, S.H. who is an alumnus as well as the main presidium at SEMUNAS 2017 at Universitas Udayana, Bali. This agenda runs for 120 minutes, participants show their enthusiasm by running for presidium, giving questions in the Q&A session. Participants were even able to criticize the replica of the Anggaran Dasar-Anggaran Rumah Tangga (AD-ART) provided by the committee.

After this agenda, the event continued with an announcement for the third day of the agenda to all participants, and participants were informed that they could leave the meeting room.

Third Day: Sunday, November 8th, 2020

On the third day at 09.00-09.30, the participants began to enter the Zoom Meeting room with a predetermined name format and then accommodated by the Secretarial Committee. Then, after the entire committee entered the Zoom Meeting room and the event was continued with an opening regarding the explanation of the next agenda from the formal MC.

The event was continued with the provision of material and practice of Public Speaking, the presentation of the material was delivered by Yasser Shabri Saktinegara, S.H. who is former Manager of Human Resources Development 2015/2016.

After the presentation of the practical material, the event was continued with the Ice Breaking agenda which was guided by the Non-formal MC in the form of word guessing games. To provoke the participant's activity, the MC asks each participant to be able to answer the pictures that have been provided. It was proven that all participants were active and enthusiastic about giving answers.

The event was continued with the presentation of material about Manner delivered by Dinda Ayudita, S.H. who is also the former Vice Director of External Affairs ALSA LC Unsri 2017/2018. On this agenda, Q&A was carried out related to the material and all participants were actively monitored and had a high curiosity about the material that was presented. The event was continued with rest, prayer, and lunch for all participants and the committee.

After that, the event was continued with a Sharing Session and video playback of each group that had been provided. The event was continued with awarding for the participants and the 2020 OLMA group which covered:

1. The Best Speaker in FGD Room 1: M. Daffa Athaullah

2. The Best Speaker in FGD Room 2: Devi Selviani

3. The Best Speaker FGD Room 3: Tasya Gita Selsebila

4. The Best Speaker FGD Room 4: Moch. Ilham JR

5. The Best Speaker in FGD Room 5: Decri Rezha

6. The Best Group Video: The Lincoln Group

7. The Best Participant: Saskia Artha

8. The Best Video Concept: The Nelson Mandela Group

9. The Best Video Editing: Mao Zedong's group

10. The Silent Group: The Obama Group

11. The Biggest Group: Erdogan's Group

12. The Best Point TCB: Lincoln Group & Soekarno Group

After this agenda, the event was continued with a King & Queen session. First, this agenda was opened by the presentation of Chyntia Franslia's assessment as Manager of Human Resources Development 2020/2021 to all King & Queen who have participated in the debriefing, this assessment aims to be a guide for other participants to choose their King & Queen then all candidates explain their vision and mission them for three minutes. The names of the future King & Queen candidates

After describing the vision and mission, the Zoom poll voting agenda was carried out and there were three candidates for King & Queen, namely:

Finalists for King 2020:

1 - Yovie A Pratama

2 - M. Qusay Bagus P

3 - Gideon Josh

Queen 2020 Finalists:

1 - Nur Fadilah Putri

2 - Saskia Artha

3 - Elwanda Septi Karini

The event was continued with a question and answer session in this mechanism. There were three question and answer sessions, each session there were three questioners and could follow up the questions asked. After the Q&A session was conducted, the King & Queen agenda was continued with a voting session with poll Zoom. All finalists were moved to the breakout room, and then the voting session began. After voting, the King & Queen chosen are

King 2020: Yovie A. Pratama

Queen 2020: Nur Fadilah Putri

After the King & Queen selection, the event continued with the introduction of the national work program held in Palembang, namely the XXVII Seminar and National Conference (SEMUNAS) delivered by the Project Officer, Rizqyah Putri. The event continued with the presentation of the next work program after OLMA 2020, namely Parents Socialization (PS) by Project Officer M. Abel Pratama as a form of attracting prospective members of ALSA LC Unsri to invite their parents to join this event as an introduction to parents related to ALSA and ALSA LC Unsri activities.

After the presentation of this work program, the event continued with the closing of the 2020 OLMA from the Project Officer, namely M. Reza Fathurahman, then continued with the closing statement from the Director of ALSA LC Unsri, Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman congratulating all 2020 OLMA participants who have participated in the event until the end.

The event was continued with a photo session with all participants and the committees. So, the entire series of OLMA 2020 has been completed according to the agenda that has been prepared.



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