PO Class # 2 consists of two parts, PO Class 2.1 was held on Sunday, January 10th,
2021, which aim to introduce members of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya. Regarding what work programs will be open tender at the General Meeting II, in addition to the objectives of This PO Class is to educate members Batch 2018, 2019, or 2020 who will be Project Officers from existing work programs. PO Class 2.1 started with the opening speech by the Manager of Human Resources Development of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya followed by the opening speech by the Director of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya. Then proceed with an explanation of Pra-Musyawarah Lokal dan Rapat Umum II and about what work program will be open tender at the Rapat Umum II. The work programs that will be open tender at the Rapat Umum II are ALSA Friendly Night, Musyawarah Lokal XX, ALSA Legal Competition, ALSA English Camp, ALSA Video Conference, ALSA Fervor Magazine Volume VII. After the presentation of the work program, it was continued with a question and answer session and a closing session.
The PO Class 2.2 was a continuation of the previous PO Class, the selected project officer from the open tender work program at the Rapat Umum II will attend the PO Class 2.2 which will explain what things must be prepared by a project officer in completing his work program along with the submission of a progress report from the selected Project Officer. After that, it was followed by a question and answer session and a closing session.