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Pra-Musyawarah Lokal & Rapat Umum II

ALSA Rapat Umum II dan Pra – Musyawarah Lokal was held in the half-period of the Local Board management. it started with the Opening Ceremony agenda, then continued with the opening of the session then the Plenary I meeting in the form of a discussion of rules, announcement, and delivery of awards, submission of certificates to the Project Officer. After that, they entered the plenary session II in the form of the Responsibility Report of the Local Board ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya along with a question and answer session, then finally the election of the permanent session presidium (on this occasion 3 presidiums were elected, namely M. Ashil Firdaus, Fuad Amsyari and Alifyah Chandra).

On the second day, the Session was continued back to the Plenary Session III in the form of a Discussion on the Anggaran Rumah Tangga ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, Discussion on the Garis Besar Haluan Kerja of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, Discussion on the Draft of Musyawarah Lokal Agenda and in the last session, the Selection of Project Officer from the Work Program. which was opened at the Rapat Umum II dan Pra – Musyawarah Lokal. work programs which include the ALSA Friendly Night, Musyawarah Lokal ALSA ke - XXI, ALSA English Camp, ALSA Legal Opinion Competition, ALSA Video Conference, Fervour Magazine vol. VIII.



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