Pra-Musyawarah Nasional & ALSA Leadership Training (PALT) 2020 ALSA National Chapter Indonesia is one of the annual agenda of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia. This event is carried out based on the work program of the National Board ALSA National Chapter Indonesia and involves all delegates from each Local Chapter. PALT 2020 ALSA National Chapter Indonesia by ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Jember was held for 2 (two) days, on September 19th-20th, 2020 with the theme of the event "Mudita, Bebarengan Guyub Manunggaling Tujuan". The core activities of this event are the Pra-Musyawarah Nasional and ALSA Leadership Training in the form of a Focus Group Discussion with the theme "Leadership as a Powerful Skill for Future Investment." To motivate and instill the leadership spirit of ALSA Indonesia members.
This year's Pra-Musyawarah Nasional dan ALSA Leadership Training (PALT) XXVII consists of a series of events including Seminar National, Pra-Musyawarah Nasional, general sharing, division sharing, and Focus Group Discussion attended by 13 delegates from ALSA LC UNSRI, including Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman, Meydiza Nurul Alikha, Alya Zitta Kamila who is part of the Pra-Musyawarah Nasional and Chyntia Fransilia, Iqlima Amilga, Tiara Maulidya Khairunnisa, Marshanda Maharani, Ronaldo Dwi Putro, Muhammad Bayu Nugroho, A Muflih El Zuhdi, Humairah Qaolan Syaqiila, Akbar Putra Andhika Prata Fransilia, Iqlima Amilga, Annisa Tiara Justitia who were part of the Leadership Training. on this occasion there were two delegates of alsa lc unsri who received the award, Muhammad Bayu Nugroho (2019) and Humairah Qaolan Syaqiila (2019) as The Best Speaker.