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Seminar & Musyawarah Nasional XXVIII

Seminar & Musyawarah Nasional XXVIII begins with singing Indonesia Raya and ALSA Anthem. Then, Opening Speech from the Project Officer, Director ALSA LC Unsri 2020/2021, VP Training Exchange & Development ALSA International, Dean Faculty of Law Universitas Sriwijaya, Rector of Universitas Sriwijaya, and Kepala Biro Hukum Setda of South Sumatera, then Prayer Reciting.

The first activity was the seminar session, moderated by Hj. Mardiana, S.H., M.H., and then, the speaker for the first seminar was Prof. Dr. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc. KESDM Bidang Minerba. Followed by Dr. Irsan, S.H., M.Hum, From Faculty of Law Universitas Sriwijaya for the second speaker. and for the last speaker was Mr. Erwin Djajadiputra from PT. Hyundai Motors Indonesia, continued with giving E-Certificate to the Speakers and for the Moderator.

ADfter the Seminar, the next activity was Plenary Session I, Starting with discussing the agenda of Seminar & Musyawarah Nasional XXVIII ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, and then discussing the rules of Seminar & Musyawarah Nasional ALSA National Chapter Indonesia XXVIII, followed by Awarding Session from National Board and discussion and Election of the Permanent Presidium.

The next activity was Plenary Session II - National Board Accountability Report ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, for the period of 2020/2021, starting from Post Secretary General, External Affairs, Finance, Internal Affairs, ICT, Academic Activities, & Training, and the last is President.

Continued with the discussion and determination of acceptance or rejection by All Local Chapters of National Board ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2020/2021 Accountability Report, then presentation of the National Board Supervising Council 2020/2021 Written Report.

And next is reading of provisions for acceptance or rejection of the accountability report of National Board ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2020/2021.

After that, the next activity was Plenary Session III - the discussion and the determination of the prospective observers, of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia. Then, it continued with plenary session with Commision A, discussing Anggaran Rumah Tangga (ART), of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2020/2021, Commision B, discussing the criteria of International Board, Criteria & the election Instruction of the Presidential candidate of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, and the recommendation Program for the National Board of ALSA Indonesia, and Commision C, discussing the provisions of National Moot Court Competition, Piala Mahkamah Agung 2022 ALSA National Chapter Indonesia.

The next agenda was discussion and determination for the host of SEMUNAS XXIX 2022 ALSA Indonesia, Hosted by ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Hassanudin, and progress report of ALSA International Board 2020/2021.

tthe last activity was the presentaton of the Presidential Candidate of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, continued with inauguration of the newly elected President of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2021/2022 Sena Britantoro Ramadhan Suditomo from ALSA LC Unpad.



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